Market Data at Extreme Low Latency

Quincy Data Feeds deliver market data services across every level of speed and granularity, advancing our mission to level the playing field across the world’s critical markets. Whether you need an unfiltered firehose of raw data, conflated snapshots of market depth, or streamlined trade signals at ultra-low latency, Quincy Data meets your needs at major exchange venues worldwide.

Raw Feeds

Offers full exchange feeds in native format, ensuring real-time market visibility with the lowest possible latency.

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Snapshot Feeds

Provides a normalized, conflated view of key instruments, balancing speed and depth.

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Signals Feeds

Strips market data to its essence, delivering only the most time-sensitive trade signals with the lowest possible latency.

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"It's better to be fast 99% of the time than slow 99.999% of the time"
- Stéphane Tyč and Bob Meade, Co-Founders


Quincy Data delivers the fastest market data services, combining advanced physics and cutting-edge communications technology to level the playing field, giving market participants of all sizes the tools and speed they need to manage risk globally.
