In the News

October 13, 2015

Observing News Propagation

Observing News Propagation written by: Stéphane Tyc and Imad-Eddine Srairi   Abstract Large and sudden changes in prices in broad market indices reflect the release of macro news. The detailed observation of the times of these moves can provide lower bounds for the time of transmission of information between data centres. We have studied one macro events and provide our findings. The propagation of news on land in the United States is well explained by […]
August 4, 2015

For His Next Trick, Barefoot Genius Aims to End Broker Rip-Offs

For His Next Trick, Barefoot Genius Aims to End Broker Rip-Offs by Ryan Hoerger and John Detrixhe for Bloomberg August 3, 2015 — 4:00 PM PDT Updated on August 4, 2015 — 4:00 AM PDT The man who helped revolutionize high-frequency trading greets guests to his Paris office in his bare feet. “I apologize for not dressing up,” said Stephane Tyc, 54, whose scheme to send trade data via microwave towers in the U.S. and Europe has paid off […]
June 3, 2015

OPINION: How to Measure Best Execution?

June 1, 2015 (Link to original article)  In the latest issue of the London Review of Books, a sociology teacher at the University of Edinburgh manages to successfully explain the history of dark pools to a general audience. In his article “Dark Markets”, Donald MacKenzie, who has been supported by the European Research Council to look into automated trading, goes right back to Instinet setting up the Crossing Network in 1986 and Posit being launched […]
April 21, 2015

Quincy Data featured in the Harrington Starr’s FinTech Capital book – April 2015

Quincy Data is featured in the Harrington Starr’s FinTech Capital book. An article by Stephane Tyc, “A Technical Solution to Best Execution” is featured in the regulation section.   For the full version of The Fintech Capital, click here. 
September 18, 2014

White Paper: A Technological Solution to Best Execution and Excessive Market Complexity

Introduction The Flash Crash of May 2010, the software bug of Knight Capital, NASDAQ’s glitch on the first day of trading of Facebook and the publication of Flash Boys all motivate the calls to improve regulation. Both the SEC and FINRA are examining ways to improve market structure and regulations to prevent any players from having an unfair advantage. Many of the proposed improvements involve reducing the number of trading venues and regulating how an […]
April 14, 2014

Quincy Data featured in the Harrington Starr’s FinTech Capital book

Quincy Data is featured in the Harrington Starr’s FinTech Capital book. An article by Stephane Tyc, “Leading Microwave Market Data to the Mainstream” is featured in the emerging technology section. Click here for the full version of The FinTech Capitol
December 10, 2013

The Fed Robbery Revisited

The Fed Robbery Revisited Riadh Zaatour  and Stéphane  Tyč Quincy Data December 04, 2013 Abstract We revisit the controversial release of FOMC news on September 18th 2013 using the time stamps generated by the exchanges and included in their raw feed. Our analysis is consistent with a simultaneous release of the information at the CME and at the Nasdaq colocation centres exactly at 2:00:00 pm. Introduction A heated debate followed the FOMC “no taper” information […]
December 10, 2013

The Fed Robbery: New Evidence

Alexandre Laumonier, Sniper in Mahwah Addenda [12/7/13, 14:10:00:0001 EST] Early October, more or less one week after Virtu published its own data about the Fed Robbery, a top representative of Virtu talked in front of exchanges top executives and said: “Nanex is peddling this nonsense about an early release. [Eric Hunsader] is just 100% wrong. … The problem is that the New York Post and CNBC and the Wall Street Journal and others pick this guy up as an authoritative source. And he really […]
July 22, 2013

‘Democratizing’ Low Latency

Source: Markets Media July 22nd, 2013 While technology has enabled trade latency to near zero, not all market participants have the opportunity to achieve the fastest possible order and data transmission. The owners of Quincy Data and its co-owned, separately run network company McKay Brothers hope to level the playing field. “Trying to bring a technology that only the best proprietary-trading firms have to firms that execute on behalf of clients so they can benefit […]
May 2, 2013

Quincy Prescribes LD4 Co-Lo for CME Data

Author: Faye Kilburn Source: Inside Market Data | 02 May 2013 Oakland, Calif.-based low-latency market data connectivity provider Quincy Data has established a UK point of presence in Equinix’s LD4 datacenter in Slough, outside London, to provide high-frequency traders and other firms co-located in LD4 with low-latency market data from CME Group. Quincy can deliver data from CME’s markets to LD4 in 36.4 milliseconds via its Quincy Extreme Data (QED) service, leveraging microwave connectivity from […]